Spok Mobile Paging - Possible Service Issue
Incident Report for Duke IT
OIT has monitored the service and can confirm that the issue with Spok Paging has been resolved.

If you are still experiencing service issues please contact the OIT Service Desk (https://oit.duke.edu/help) or join the conversation on the 'University IT Outage Communication' MS Teams site.
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 16:28 EDT
OIT staff are currently investigating reports of service issues with Spok Paging. Pages may be delayed or not going through.

We will post additional details as they become available.

If you would like to report additional service impacts please contact the OIT Service Desk (https://oit.duke.edu/help) or join the conversation on the 'University IT Outage Communication' MS Teams site.
Posted Jul 19, 2024 - 15:05 EDT
This incident affected: Other (Other).